Friday, June 13, 2008

Red-Alert-Change Your Plans for July 11-13, 2008

Dear Friend,
Mark the following dates, and make sure yourcalendar is clear for July 11, 12 and 13,and here's why.
In case you are unaware, Chris Howard is holding his first ever Ultimate Business Seminar in the United States, and it's goingto be an absolute mind-blowing event! He's got more brilliant business minds speaking in three days than you've probably been exposed to in the last decade; more importantly, the business building, profit boosting and the cash-flow generating strategies they will be teaching promises to double, maybe re-double,even re-double again... the success, income and prosperity your business or new idea makes you.I want you to be there for at least one of these enriching if you do not have a seat booked yet, this will be the most irresistible proposition you've ever received,and here it is:
Review the line-up of speakers and topics below, and decide which one of these three days you'd most like to experience...July 11, 12 or 13 at no charge whatsoever,as my SPECIAL guest.Chris has agreed to let me invite 20 of my guests to attend one day of his upcoming 3-Day Ultimate Business Seminar Event at no charge. He's doingthis as a daring experiment to see how those ofyou who get to sample a day of his high-end seminar will want to sign up for one or moreof them in the future, once you see what a mammoth experience this Ultimate Business Seminar program provides.
Here's my deal in a clicking on the link below you will be able to choose which day you would like to attend. Pick your FIRST day of choice, either Friday July 11,Saturday July 12 or Sunday July 13 and register your attendance during the NEXT THREE BUSINESS DAYS ONLY to reserve your 1-Day Pass at no charge. First to register will, obviously, get their day of choice.So, I urge you to respond immediately.Who are these amazing business minds? Findout right now, and get your day of choice here:
So we are clear, this event is a $5,075 3-Dayexperience. And those who received a 3-DayPass as part of a Breakthrough to Success(BTS) discounted Fast Track package paid$1,997. As part of an experiment, he is offering you a FREE 1-Day Pass. You can use this pass to attend one day at no charge OR you can upgrade to a 3-Day Pass at the discounted price of $1,997, Chris' only hope is that by him investing first in YOU, you'll be so blown away by the dynamic speakers and the content that you'll crave attending a lot more of these events in the future. Only current enrollees that invested in a Fast Track atthe BTS Weekend have 3-Day Passes.With that stated, there are two stipulations I must request of you. If you wish to accept this invitation:1. Everyone else in the room paid thousandsof dollars. I need you to agree to attend respectfully for the entire day, from beginning to end, and participate fully.It's important for you to add value to the program for all in attendance.2. You must confirm your attendance right now.Chris only has 300 seats available for this one day test-drive and once we fill up our daily allocation you will not be able to get a seat - at any price! I need you to know that this marketing is being sent to Chris' database and the databases of the speakers presenting at the Ultimate Business Seminar.With just room for a total of 800 people at the venue, and a majority of tickets already sold, it's a matter of "you snooze – you lose!" So,take action right now and confirm your seat.Chris has arranged preferential access anddiscounts for many of the speakers' services and products. He will allow you to avail yourself of these same privileges, but only during the day you attend.To find out WHO is in the Ultimate BusinessSeminar Line-Up, and to pick your day of choice click here: than those reasonable requests, you are warmly invited to be my guest for one day of your choice, provided you register right away before all spaces are taken. One more point,and it's important; thousands of people are being offered this proposition, only a fewhundred can be accommodated on each day.So... if you reserve a day, I expect you to use it for all it's worth. Stated differently,don't sign up unless you plan on showing up.Please respect the importance and value of this gesture.Of all the new programs Chris and his team are putting together, the Ultimate Business Seminar promises to hold more immediate financial pay-off to those who attend than perhaps any other specialty program. I hope you are able to take the fullest advantage of this important and bold proposition.So, go ahead and review the speaker line-upand topics through the link below to receive a 1-Day Pass at no charge whatsoever, as my SPECIAL guest. If you wish to take full advantage of the entire three days, you will be able to upgrade your pass at the preferential rate of $1997. Decide which of these three days you'd most like toexperience, July 11, 12 or 13...Discover which outstanding Wealth Experts make up the Ultimate Business Seminar Line-Up and remember to pick your first day of choice here:
This offer is only available TODAY, TOMORROW or THE DAY AFTER. Take action right NOW beforeall seats are gone!So, I urge you to respond immediately. Take action today and I will see you at THE ULTIMATE BUSINESS SEMINAR!

To Your Success!
Small Biz Wizard

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Adversarial Friends

The term 'Adversarial Friends' seems like an oxymoron.The reason I have termed it that way is because I have sometimes encountered clients who have started on an almost adversarial mood but eventually ended up as friends. What I have learnt from my experience of handling these type 'A' clients are
  1. They do not have a clear idea about your products and services but they have a need that they feel your product and service can fulfill.
  2. They have had a 'bad bite' from previous service providers and are more cautious.
  3. They need more information, more education and more hand holding at the beginning stages of your client relationship.
  4. They are the ones who call you in the middle of the night and spend more of your time having to answer their queries.
  5. However, they can also be your best clients because they are coachable. They listen to your opinions and recommendations.
  6. They seldom doubt your recommendations once you have earned their trust.
  7. They can eventually be your best and loyal clients whom you can turn into raving fans for your business.

So treat all your 'A' type clients with patience and respect and in time, they will become your raving fans.

I welcome your feedback and comments on this post. Have you encounter similar situations before?